H.R. 1207

May 16, 2009

If you’re not angry yet , you don’t know whats going on around here!

On April 30, 2009 Congressman Ron Paul commented on the progress of HR1207 The Federal Reserve Transparency Act.

Since its inception, the Federal Reserve has operated without sufficient transparency or accountability to the American people. In fact, current law specifically excludes the Fed from audit or real congressional oversight. No government agency has such an utter lack of sunshine.

The Federal Reserve has created and dispersed trillions of dollars in response to our current financial crisis.

H.R. 1207 will open up the Fed’s funding facilities, such as the Primary Dealer Credit Facility, Term Securities Lending Facility, and Term Asset-Backed Securities Lending Facility to Congressional oversight.

Additionally, audits could include discount window operations, open market operations, and agreements with foreign central banks, such as the ongoing dollar swap operations with European central banks.

By opening all Fed operations to a GAO audit and calling for such an audit to be completed by the end of 2010, the H.R. 1207 would achieve much-needed transparency of the Federal Reserve.

The following video interview between Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson and Federal Reserve Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman is without a doubt the clearest explanation of why HR1207, The Federal Reserve Transparency Act, must be passed. Nine trillion dollars in transactions have  been conducted in the last eight months and the top Federal Reserve accountant is unable to say where it went!!

President Obama made transparency in government a hallmark of his Presidential campaign. House Resolution 1207, The Federal Reserve Transparency Act, will help the President achieve this important objective.

HR1207, will give the Comptroller General of the United States authority to audit the Federal Reserve. Over the past several months the Fed has pumped trillions into the banking system. Congress has asked for information concerning the transactions. The Federal Reserve Bank has refused  to provide this information  

The Bloomberg media organization sued the Federal Reserve Bank to get a list of the recipients. Bloomberg was denied the information because the Federal Reserve Bank is not a government agency and it does  not have to comply with the Freedom of Information Act.

I emailed my Congressman the following message seeking his support for the resolution.

Dear Congressman,

I am requesting your support of H.R. 1207, The Federal Reserve Transparency Act.

President Obama made transparency in government a hallmark of his Presidential campaign. This audit will provide the American people with critical transparency into exactly how $9.3 trillion dollars of their money has been spent.

H.R. 1207 needs your support. Please contact your Representatives and urge them to support this bill. It will take you less than 2 minutes.

Here’s a link that will get you to your Congress persons email.


Please urge your friends and families to do the same.

Audit the Fed, Then End It!

May 22, 2009

Back to Boring for The Fed?

Congressman Ron Paul writes from his weekly “Texas Straight Talk” column that he is “very pleased with the progress of HR 1207, which calls for a complete audit of the Federal Reserve and removes many significant barriers towards transparency of our monetary system.   This bill now has nearly 170 cosponsors, with support from both Republicans and Democrats.  Senator Bernie Sanders has introduced a companion bill in the Senate S 604, which will hopefully begin to gain momentum as well.  I am very encouraged to see so many of my colleagues in Congress stand with me for greater transparency in government.”

Judging by a May 13,  Forbes  article by Thomas F. Cooley, The Federal Reserve Needs To Be Boring Again”,  it appears that all this talk of audits may be starting to make the boys and girls at the Fed just a tad nervous. According to Cooley The financial crisis forced the Fed to be aggressive and creative in its attempts to provide liquidity to credit markets that had frozen up. These were necessary steps, and mostly applauded. ” Cooley worries that the selfless display of “boldness of its actions  has put the independence of the Fed at risk. Congress is now clamoring to audit the Fed, and some of the policy proposals currently under discussion at the Federal Reserve will only increase the threat to its independence.”

Why is “an independent central bank so important?” “The answer”, according to Mr. Cooley, “is quite obvious. An independent central bank can focus on monetary policies for the long term–that is, policies targeting low and stable inflation and a monetary climate that promotes long-term economic growth. Without independence, the political cycle would subject the central bank to political pressures that, in turn, would impart an inflationary bias to monetary policy.”  With all due respect Mr. Cooley, as a student of human nature, I’m pretty sure that the dispatching of over nine trillion dollars of taxpayer money, by a handful of bankers to a handful of their friends and business associates leaves the realm of “independence” and enters into a singularity as the Greatest Crime and Fraud ever perpetrated in  the history of man. Now if that’s libelous, well… sue me. Open the Feds books, prove me wrong and sue me.            

At any rate Mr. Cooley opines Federal Reserve Bank independence is important so the financial wizards can stay focused  “on monetary policies for the long term… policies targeting low and stable inflation and a monetary climate that promotes long-term economic growth.”

 In his essay “Inflation: An Unworkable Fiscal Policy” Ludwig von Mises defines inflation as “increasing the quantity of money”:

“Inflation, as this term was always used everywhere and especially in this country, means increasing the quantity of money and bank notes in circulation and the quantity of bank deposits subject to check. But people today use the term `inflation’ to refer to the phenomenon that is an inevitable consequence of inflation, that is the tendency of all prices and wage rates to rise. Those who pretend to fight inflation are in fact only fighting what is the inevitable consequence of inflation, rising prices. They try to keep prices low while firmly committed to a policy of increasing the quantity of money that must necessarily make them soar. As long as this terminological confusion is not entirely wiped out, there cannot be any question of stopping inflation.”

So if Fed independence is important because the central bank needs to “focus on policies for the long term, policies like low and stable inflation”, how successful has the the Fed been in  achieving its goals? 

 This is the Money Supply Growth Since 1913.  








 The giant spike up on the far right is the bailout. It shows the the  Monetary Base exploding from just over  $800 billion dollars in August 2008 to over $1.6 trillion dollars by March of 2009. 

This is the effect the Money Supply Growth  has had on the purchasing power of your dollar!










The reality is that under the Federal Reserve’s  “independent”, watchful eye, with its “policies of low and stable inflation” ,the dollar has lost over 95 percent of its value!! 

In his 1543 booklet, “The Principles of A sound Currency”, Nicholas Copernicus wrote ” From this cause comes the continued complaint which echoes and re-echoes on every side that the price of gold and silver, the price of corn, food prices, and the wages of labor, indeed, the prices of everything that makes up the daily cost of living are always rising.”

“Our negligence prevents us from seeing that the increasing dearness of everything comes from the depreciation of the currency. As a matter of fact, prices of commodities increase and decrease proportionately to the quantity of money.”

This is why the issue of Sound Currency is so important. If we had lived under a  sound currency monetary system since 1913, a dollar  earned and saved in 1913 would still be worth a dollar plus whatever growth could have been earned. You wouldn’t have to continually monitor your “investments” to see if they were “keeping up with inflation”. You wouldn’t have to count on the “appreciating value” of your home to act as  a store of value to see you through your golden years.  

This is why folks living on fixed incomes are so devastated by the Feds inflationary monetary policy. The problem isn’t that their incomes are fixed.  The problem is the monetary system is broken.

Under the policies of the “Independent” Federal Reserve System your wealth has been stolen just as sure as if a robber went to your bank and took it from your savings account.


Now, the ever eloquent Dr. Ron Paul needs no defense from me,  but  I can’t help respond  to a derisive comment in the Forbes article by Mr. Cooley.  He wrote But now they want to assert control over the Fed. Bills H.R.1207 and S.604, introduced, respectively, by Rep. Ron Paul and Sen. Bernie Sanders, would assert greater control over the Fed. As Ron Paul writes on his Web site: “Auditing the Fed is only the first step towards exposing this antiquated insider-run creature to the powerful forces of free-market competition. Once there are viable alternatives to the monopolistic fiat dollar, the Federal Reserve will have to become honest and transparent if it wants to remain in business.”

Mr. Cooley continues:“Great! Obviously, monetary policy is so falling-off-a-log simple that your elected representatives can insert themselves via the demand for transparency into decisions of true complexity and subtlety. Why am I not feeling reassured?”

No Mr. Cooley we don’t think “monetary policy is so falling-off-a-log simple”. Quite the contrary. We think monetary policy is even infinitely more complicated than say, manufacturing a pencil. We’re absolutely certain that it is far too complicated to leave to a bunch of  Yale and Princeton economists and an “independent” Federal Reserve Bank, working from failed Keynesian monetary theories.

We believe it is best left to the powerful forces of free market competition.

Audit the Fed, Then End It!

– Doug R  05/21/2009

Nicholas Copernicus Comments on the News

May 21, 2009

Nicholas Copernicus Comments on the News

Where, in fact will you find any foreign merchant who will be willing to exchange his merchandise for our money? Which one of our merchants will be able to buy commodities in foreign countries with this debased currency?

Brazil and China: Move Toward a New Economic Order?

By Rachel Ziemba RGE Monitor – Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Brazilian President Lula is the latest world leader (after Wen Jiabao and Vladimir Putin) to call for moving away from the US dollar in trade and for a new monetary and financial order. On the eve of his trip to China this week, Lula suggested in an interview with Caijing (and other news sources) that the two countries should conduct more of their trade in their own currencies rather than the US dollar.

“Between Brazil and China, we need to establish a trade that is paid for in our own currencies. We don’t need dollars. Why do two important countries like China and Brazil have to use the dollar as a reference, instead of our own currencies? We’ve already started doing this with Argentina. Our trade is taking place in our own currencies.”


Yet it is with indifference that the authorities watch this terrible disaster happen. By their inaction they are permitting the ruin and the utter destruction of this beloved country , while our currency and consequently the country itself are suffering from these vices.


(Federal Open Markets Committee – The area within the Federal Reserve System that makes key decisions about interest rates and the growth of the money supply).

ForexTV.com May 20 2009 06:24 pm (EST)

Investor need for riskier assets continued to support the Euro this afternoon.  In addition, the U.S. Dollar extended its losses following the release of the Fed’s FOMC minutes. Traders reacted to the minutes which showed Fed members were considering increasing Fed purchase of mortgages and government debt. This act would debase the Dollar further and may lead to inflation if done incorrectly. This was the main reason for the late session selling pressure.



Robert Rubin, Sir Alan “Bubbles” Greenspan, Lawrence Summers and Little Timmy Geithner.

The jewelers and bullion dealers alone profit from our misery. They take out the old (and good) coins and melt them down in order to sell the silver and they thus obtain from the uninformed man in the street a greater value in silver than the value of the coins they give him in exchange.




When the best of the old coins have completely disappeared, they then pick out the least bad of the coins still in circulation, leaving only the worst coins to circulate as money.

From this cause comes the continued complaint which echoes and re-echoes on every side that the price of gold and silver, the price of corn, food prices, and the wages of labor, indeed, the prices of everything that makes up the daily cost of living are always rising.

Price worries again threaten world food outlook

Wed May 20, 2009

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Like a lion stalking its prey, another food price spike lurks as a threat to tentative global economies and poor nations in particular this year.

Last year’s run-up in food prices sparked riots in developing nations, drove commodity markets to record highs and prompted export bans that roiled the flow of world trade.

With the worldwide recession, prices have been retreating in the developed world. But they remain stubbornly high in many poorer nations, and with the return of tight supplies and high demand grain markets are again flashing warning signs that could prove expensive for world consumers.

U.S. food prices jumped 5.5 percent last year — the biggest jump since 1990

 Our negligence prevents us from seeing that the increasing dearness of everything comes from the depreciation of the currency. As a matter of fact, prices of commodities increase and decrease proportionately to the quantity of money.

 All of the words written in orange above are taken verbatim from a booklet Nicholas Copernicus wrote in 1543  titled “The Principles of a Sound Currency”. All of the blue italicized paragraphs are from recent news articles from various sources.



This shows the growth of the money supply from 1918 through 2010.  

An increase in the money supply is the very definition of inflation. The resulting price increases are a result or a symptom of the monetary inflation. Please note 1971 was the year Nixon “closed the gold window”, officially ending the gold standard in America. The “super spike” up on the far right is the  beginning of the bailout. The money supply has more than doubled since August 2008. Unprecedented!!       


This shows the loss of purchasing power  of the dollar from 1914 through 2000.

This is the debasement of the currency that has occurred since the  Federal Reserve System was born in 1913. The dollar has lost over 95% of its purchasing power since the Federal Reserve Bank was given stewardship. 

This is why we need Sound Money now!!!

Contact your representatives and urge, rather demand!! that they support HR1207 – Audit the Federal Reserve.

Here’s a link that will get you to your representatives email.


Please urge your friends and families to do the same.